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700+ payment options in Latin America, Asia, and Africa with a single account.
Want to expand your Shopify Store globally?
Your favorite brands trust us
Why offer local payment methods?
To access more than 2 billion new potential shoppers.
Reach the 70% of shoppers who don't have an international credit card.

Grow up to 2.3x in market size
Reduce chargebacks and provide a secure checkout experience with a low bounce rate.
conversion rate
Offer the payment methods that your customers already use and increase your sales.

Influence purchase
Want to reach new markets?
You need to provide local payment options.
dLocal Go app.
Step 1
Integrate dLocal Go as a payment gateway and boost sales!
Step 3
your dLocal Go account.
Step 2
Ready, Set, Go 
Launch an international store in minutes.
70% of shoppers do not have an international credit card. Focus on your customer's payment preferences and boost sales with dLocal Go.
Are you willing to rule out 70% of your potential shoppers?
Ready to increase your conversion rate?
Dlocal LLP (Company Number OC413287) is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales. DLocal Ltd (Firm Reference Number C77538) is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority under the Financial Institutions Act for the issuance of electronic money and the provision of payment services. Dlocal Corp LLP is registered as a Money Service Business (MSB) with FinCEN under MSB Registration Numbers 31000110878468 and 31000150937654. Dlocal Corp LLP acts as agent of e-commerce merchants based in the USA, and collects payments from end users based in Emerging Markets, on behalf of the merchants.